This is the first site I have created with the specific intention of helping others as compared to making myself money. It is crazy to think about how far I have come in so many facets of being a successful internet marketer and webmaster over the past 18 months. It took me 19 days to make my first sale and I will never forget the sense of accomplishment I felt. All of my hard work- the hours and hours of sleepless nights spent lurking forums and blogs trying to figure this internet game out, was validated with that first sale. From there a sale every couple of weeks turned into a couple of sales a week which turned into daily sales and so on. Why was my success fast-tracked online? Because of the people that I have been fortunate enough to work with have shared their secrets, and now after 2 years of silence, I’m sharing mine with the world.
“This is the first site I have created with the specific intention of helping others as compared to making myself money.”
With that being said, I encourage you to take advantage of all that I can offer to you. Have a problem/question that you cannot seem to figure out? Contact me and I will answer it. If it’s a valid enough question I will post about it and include a backlink to your website for proposing the question. One thing I will recommend to you right out of the gate is that it’s good to be well rounded online. What do I mean by well rounded? I mean that most successful webmasters/online marketers I have talked to know a little bit about everything…they can do basic coding including html and css, make some elementary graphics with photoshop, have a grasp of basic SEO practices, and know how to market their products/services to specific niches and demographics.
“Don’t be scared to try to learn something that you might think is beyond your skill set because everything sort of ties itself together.”
Try to learn as much as you can and give things a shot, even if they don’t work out. You learn more by trying and failing than doing nothing at all. That’s where I come in, give something new a shot, if you can’t figure it out we’ll try to do so together!
Alex Becker. Your My Hero!
True, So where’s the money at? ^_^
emphasis on awesomeness